Lawrence Aviation Services LLC

LAS is a sole proprietorship owned by James R. Lawrence Sr. and is operated out of La Grange, Texas.  I provide Inspection services for SLSA and ELSA Aircraft in the Airplane, Weight Shift, and Glider categories.  My authority to do this work is granted by the FAA via a LSRM license, (Light Sport Repairman-Maintenance with Inspection rating, FAA # 3453030).  I am also Rotax certified for line maintenance.   I am a retired Control Systems Engineer, a Sport Pilot, and I am designing and building my own airplane.

Contact:   (832) 387-1153    email

My Wing Patent has been allowed - a patent will issue soon:
PDF file showing key elements of the Patent
Simplified animated view of key elements of the Patent

The fundmental benefits of the design have been demonstrated.  The wing was modeled by university students on a referral by the NASA SATOP program.  A reduction in drag coupled with increased laminar flow on the upper surface was confirmed.

Following are the services I provide:

Most importantly, I will provide a 2nd opinion if you are having trouble with your inspector.  If I disagree with your inspector, I will sign off on it and get you back in the air.  Please call.

100 hour Inspection
Special Light Sport Aircraft (S-LSA) only, (Airplane, Weight Shift, and Glider)
Annual Inspection
S-LSA and Experimental Light Sport Aircraft (E-LSA), (Airplane, Weight Shift, and Glider)
Pre-Buy Inspection
S-LSA, E-LSA, and some Experimental
Pitch Calculation and Adjustment
Weight & Balance
S-LSA, E-LSA, and some Experimental

I will not do work that I am not authorized to do or work that I have not been trained to do.  My business is an inspection business.  If there is significant work to be done then it needs to go to a full-time shop.  If during an inspection I find significant work outside of minor or line maintenance or repair then I will refer you to someone else.  My goal is to find the least complicated and safest way to get you back into the air.

    For Inspections, I require cash payment up front and will invoice for any additional work after we fully agree.  We will do a work-order up front and I will not deviate from the work order without consulting with you.

Inspection (Annual and 100 Hour)
- Airplane and Motor Glider:  $600 plus 1st time set-up fee of $150.
- Weight Shift:  $350 plus 1st time set-up fee of $75.
- Shop Rate applies to work outside of that required for the inspection.
- Parts Cost
- Mileage (if required)
Pre-buy Inspection
- Airplane and Motor Glider:  $400
- Weight Shift:  $300
- Mileage
Shop Rate
$65 / hour
$0.50 / mile, to/from
Cost & Shipping (no mark-up)

Some Cautions and Advice for LSA owners:

If you own a S-LSA then there is only one way it can be modified in any way and that would be via a Letter of Authorization from the Manufacturer.  Don't let an A&P mechanic tell you otherwise.  Light Sport Aircraft are built to ASTM consensus standards which are different from the standards for aircraft with a Standard Airworthiness Certificate.  If you or someone else has modified your S-LSA without a LoA then it can not be inspected for return to service.  One of three things must happen:  1) undo the modification, 2) obtain a LoA (which is very difficult), or 3) convert your SLSA to ELSA.  If you need a LoA, I can try to get that for you.
Rotax Engines
Follow the manual.  Do not substitute.  Do not deviate.  Do not let any mechanic tell you otherwise.  Rotax engines have been destroyed by mechanics who treat them like a Continental or Lycoming.
Inspection Sign Off
Wording must be per your manufacturer's statement in the Operating Limitations.  A LSA can not be called "airworthy".  To use the inspection sign off for a Standard aircraft can result in a significant fine and license suspension.  The owner is ultimately responsible for the paperwork.
I have taken the time and paid the cost to be able to inspect and maintain your LSA.  However, you can do it yourself.  If you own an E-LSA, take the weekend course and do your own inspections and maintenance.  If you own a S-LSA, you might find it advantageous to convert it to E-LSA and DIY.
Maintenance Induced Failure
The NTSB has determined that about 25% of aircraft accidents are machine-caused, and about half of those are maintenance induced, (MIF). 

12% of all aircraft accidents are caused by aircraft maintenance

This does not include the a large but unknown figure for MIFs that do not result in an accident but rather an irate pilot returing his aircraft to a shop.  With this in mind, why perform maintenance that is not required.  Manufacturer recommended, or even manufacturer 'required' maintenance, is not required.  This includes TBO! 

If it is not broken, don't fix it, but prove it is safe for use by inspection. 

The authority for making these statements comes from the FAA.  Here is a quote from FAA Legal.

"As a general proposition, manufacturer's maintenance manuals, service bulletins, and inspection programs (with limited exceptions not pertinent here) are not FAA-approved and are not mandatory; nor are subsequently issued changes to maintenance manuals or inspection programs."

See Letters by FAA Legal:

FAA Legal on Inspection and Maintenance Intervals

FAA Legal on Maintenance Manual Requirements

FAA Legal on Rotax Training Requirements

FAA Legal on Manufacturer Training Requirements

Sully-Skiles Cactus 1549 Approach Plate

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